CiviCRM Hosting
If you are looking for a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system for your organisation to manage your events, membership, clients, donors, email mailout campaigns and general customer management then we have the solution for you.
CiviCRM is used by 1,000s of non-profit organisations worldwide.
Our services

Inspire CRM will give you the following functionality based on CiviCRM, and we can have you up and running within 24 hours, with the security and peace of mind in knowing that your data and website will be backed up daily.
CiviCRM helps organisations grow and sustain strong relationships over time. This open source, web-based platform helps organisations realise their mission through the following integrated modules:
If you’re ready, start your free trial today. Or contact us to find out more.
Our Hosting Packages
Our hosting model means you do not have to outlay large amounts of funding to get setup, and you are not bound by any long term contracts or large on-going fees. All you have to do is sign-up to a monthly low-rate subscription fee, with the option to opt out at anytime.
Your Choice! Your Content Management System
We will host your website based on the Content Management System (CMS) of your choice from either Drupal, Joomla or WordPress. This means that you, or your staff, can change and update your website whenever you want, where ever you want, without the need for a web developer. This will allow you to maintain an up to date and professional website that your users expect.
No setup fees. No contracts. No hassle!

Drupal is a content management system (CMS) platform powering millions of websites and applications. It’s built, used, and supported by an active and diverse community of people around the world.
Whether it’s a blog, a user forum, a charity site or an ecommerce enterprise site, it’s all possible in Drupal.

Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS) that enables you to build powerful online web sites and applications.
Joomla is one of the most popular web site software available due to its ease-of-use and extensibility. Even users with no advanced programming skills and use, and what it does is manage all your web content. This includes: photos, videos, text, music and many other types of files and documents.

The reason WordPress is so popular is the simple, hassle-free interface that is designed to help you find your way around quickly making it ideal for an organisation starting out.
With all our hosting packages you can select the most stable up-to-date installation that will allow you to easily publish and manage the content on a website. Whether it‚ a blog, a user forum, a charity site or an e-commerce enterprise site, it’s all possible in WordPress.
No setup fees. No contracts. No hassle!

All this and a lot more can be achieved through your web browser on a PC, tablet, Mac or mobile device.
If you already have a CMS website running on Drupal, Joomla or WordPress ‚ that is no problem!
If you need to migrate your website or data from an existing system, then we can assist you with that as well, at a reasonable cost.