About Drupal
Drupal is a content management system (CMS) platform powering millions of websites and applications. It’s built, used, and supported by an active and diverse community of people around the world. With all our hosting packages you have can select the most stable up-to-date installation that will allow you to easily publish and manage the content on a website. Whether it’s a blog, a user forum, a charity site or an ecommerce enterprise site, it’s all possible in Drupal.
Choose the best hosting package according to what you need and you will get Drupal installed instantly. Choose a hosting package that incorporates CiviCRM and this will be seamlessly integrated into Drupal. This widely-used content management system will help you make the most of your website.
Drupal might be a bit more difficult to use for beginners, given the complex programming interface. However, when it comes to basic installation and administration, even an inexperienced user can find his way around easily.
With Drupal you can:
Easily Administer Drupal Sites
From the admin you can manage the content, the appearance, structure and configuration of your Drupal site and the user accounts. If you want to change the design of your website, there are a lot of Drupal themes you can download and test. These are highly customisable but you’ll most probably need the help of a web designer if you want to re-configure them.
Connect and promote your site
You can use various modules to publish your Drupal website via RSS feeds (eg. Aggregation module), make your content search engine friendly (eg. XML sitemap module) or integrate social networks to connect with users (eg. Facebook Connect module, Twitter module, ShareThis module). These modules can really help you promote your website or products, and get your message through.
Easily create and publish content
You don’t need to have programming skills or to pay for web-desiners to create, organise and publish content. Drupal modules are there to make your life easier and allow you or your users to add pages, blog posts, images, video podcasts and voting widgets.
Build effective websites
You can build the website to meet all your online requirements. With Drupal you don’t need advanced programming skills to use it. Drupal core, the standard release of Drupal, includes modules that the administrator of a website can enable when he wants to configure or customise the functionality of a website to fit a specific purpose.
Share content development
The administrator has complete control over the content that’s made public on the site and the content that is kept private. He can give administrator or flexible content access rights to staff or trustees so they can publish freely, or limited, by only allowing them to submit the content for review by admin.
Extended your sites capabilities
Drupal includes more than 6,000 modules that you can use to build, customise and promote your website, increasing the capabilities of your website. The majority of the modules can easily be installed and setup by the yourself without the need for programming skills.
For more information compare our hosting packages.